Monthly Events Recap – July 2023

The Wellington Residents had a fun-filled July!

The month was kicked off with Canada Day celebrations with tasty cupcake treats and delightful entertainment. Thank you Syncronicity for a great show.

Residents & staff also enjoyed a visit from Kool Jim’s Ice Cream Truck this month! Nothing makes a hot summer’s day better than a cool ice cream cone.

Our Beach Day parties were also a success. Everyone looked great in their beach wear! There was an abundance of dancing, laughter, and singing throughout the home. Thank you, Paula French and Aidan Purnell, for helping make our parties a blast!

Lastly, our residents enjoyed BBQ lunches this month on our patio. Thank you to our Food & Nutrition Manager Kathleen for cooking up delicious hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone to enjoy.

Next month will be packed full of more summer fun, we hope to see you there!

For August outings, programs, and special events check out our monthly Recreation calendars: